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‘Talismans, Rafts, Mementos’, some of my thoughts on the Modern Times blog

“The multi-layered paintings of Charlotte Swiden speak of dreams of a far-away homeland, Malmö in Sweden, through an intricate play of shape and colour.
‘I began to visit my home town Malmö more frequently in my sleep and felt further away than ever, aching for my family and homeland. But at the same time I’ve felt a real kinship with my new country,’ explains Charlotte.”

Throughout 2020 the 57 artists used their practice to make sense of what was happening around them. Talismans, Rafts, Mementos celebrates this rich vein of creative output representing both the psychological and physical artefacts that have surfaced during this time.”

Read more:

Pictured: ‘First Frost’. Acrylic & Oil Pastel on canvas. Framed in Tasmanian Oak. [sold]

Modern Times Group Show 2020

So thrilled to be part of @moderntimesau upcoming group exhibition ‘Talismans, Rafts, Mementos’.
Featuring works by 57 artists, the show is opening online Thursday 19th of November at 7am.
Sneak peeks to follow shortly!

‘Foundations’ Opening Night at Modern Times

Thank you so much to everybody to came out last night for the opening of ‘Foundations’.
I clearly had a blast!

To Amy and Joel, I’m so grateful for the opportunity to show my work at Modern Times.
And a very special thanks to the amazing curator and artist, Sarah Kelk,
for being so supportive and wonderful through this whole process.

The exhibition is open now until March 8.

Photography @elisescott_creative

MODERN TIMES JOURNAL In Conversation: Charlotte Swiden

A nice little interview with Modern Times up on their Journal today

We’re delighted to kick off our 2020 exhibition calendar with a solo show from Melbourne-based, Swedish artist Charlotte Swidentitled Foundations.

After a 10-year hiatus from painting, Charlotte returns to her roots with this stunning body of work – a series of abstract paintings in a muted earthen palette.

Here on the journal, she talks us through how her heritage and love for Scandinavia will always inform her work, and her ongoing fascination with languages.

Full article here: Modern Times

The Design Chaser

Stoked to see ‘Foundations’ featured on The Design Chaser today!

After a 10-year hiatus, Charlotte Swiden has returned to painting with her exhibition Foundations, opening at Modern Times on Thursday 27th February. Charlotte’s disciplined approach to composition and colour, honed as a graphic designer, has transmuted into something softer and closer to nature – a series of abstract paintings that pulsate with motifs of plants, primitive figures and intimations of landscape, rendered in a muted earthen palette.
Charlotte grew up in Sweden, moving to Australia in 2005, and describes her work as an interplay of these two identities, two cultures and the tension that lies between the two. “Some of the themes in my works are stories around that identity split. Some are around nostalgia from home; being immersed in nature, a community and a solid social infrastructure.”
The mood of each painting shifts along a scale of emotion. The artworks I’ve picked out to share are some of my favourites from the beautiful body of work. I especially love the softer muted tones, and rounded abstract figures such as Midnight Sun (above), and Mother Moon (below).

See the full article here: thedesignchaser

‘Foundations’ Upcoming solo exhibition at Modern Times

So excited to finally share my big news with you! My solo show ‘Foundations’ at Modern Times is opening on the 27th of February. More to come shortly!

To download catalogue go to: Modern Times

A1 Coast prints available

Excited to share that COAST A1 prints now are available in the webshop!

Frankie book “A little bit crafty”

I recently had the honour to participate in Frankie’s new book project “A little bit crafty”.

I made these little candle holder from hobby plaster and some bits I found in a hardware store.
So much fun and so easy!
The colours remind me of my favourite icecream in Sweden, salty licorice and raspberry.

You can buy the book here:

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