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Coco Flip interview : Charlotte Swiden on Motherhood and Creativity

I’ve realised that it’s easy to be fixated on outcome, output, and deadlines, at least when you are trying to turn your creativity in to something to live from. With my painting, I’m trying to keep it in a sphere where I have room to play, fail, try new things, and not restrict myself too much by the expectations of myself or others. I’m hoping that by doing so, I’ll do better work.

This week I had the pleasure to be interviewed by my good friend Kate Stokes aka Coco Flip. Kate and I have known each other for a long time and shared many of the challenges (and fun times!) of balancing creativity, small business and parenting along the way. Besides being an incredible soulful human, Kate also happens to be one of my favourite designers. Her eye for form, timelessness and beauty is inimitable.

Of all the thing motherhood has thought me, maybe the most important lesson is how much my community of fellow mamas mean to me. So much love and respect for all of you. xx

Read Coco Flip article here


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