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Lisa Gorman picks Swiden for summer

Pretty darn stoked to be included in Lisa Gorman’s six pieces for summer in Inside Out!
I’ll make you a million patterns anytime Lisa!

Look what the postman brought!

Swiden in the new print & pattern book!

Swiden on The Design Files

I’m the luckiest lady to have been featured on the very best design blog, The Design Files.
Thank you Lucy for the post, but mostly for bringing us so much
interesting reading and fresh creativity to watch. You rule!


New images from Coco Flip

I’ve promised to share some images from Kate Stokes new amazing work and here it is.
Truly exceptional lady, generations ahead will celebrate her star for sure.

Don’t miss our collaborative window at Craft Victoria this month!

Come visit us at Craft Victoria

I’m very excited to announce a collaborative exhibition between Coco Flip and Swiden.
Here is a sneak peak of some of my designs, more images from Coco Flip to come!

Green March issue

New designs in development

Definitely the funnest part!

Tivolivat style in Barcelona

Art and photography Roberto Ruiz for b-guided Barcelona.

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