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Linus’s story

  • News

So as you might have figured out by now, Swiden is about to launch a very exciting rug collaboration with ‘Linus Dean Rugs’. Linus’s is a great inspiration to me and I’m so proud to be part of his dream.
When you read his story below, you’ll see what I mean.

LINUS DEAN: I had spent many years working as a graphic designer in Sydney, going through the motions of working for someone else, giving up my weekends, social life and family time. I hit a wall and decided I needed out! I was having a ‘Design Crisis’. I had a niggling idea about doing something with textiles and wanted to research how I could make it happen.

So I followed my gut and headed abroad, first stop Nepal. When I landed, it was an overwhelming change from where I had been but it was the start on an amazing journey into designing with purpose!

What came about was a series of rugs that are 100% ethical. 
Using one of the worlds most traditional practices – hand weaving, each rug is individually hand crafted, from spinning and dying the yarn to hand knotting, trimming, packing and shipping.

I only use the finest Himalayan or New Zealand wool, environmentally friendly dyes, safe working conditions with strictly no child-labour. Our manufacturer is registered with Good Weave who ensure the weaving villages are safe, clean and child labour free–something that I had to see for myself before I pushed forward.

My mission is not just about creating beautiful contemporary rugs, but ensuring the art of hand knotting is not lost forever. It’s vital for me to encourage employment in the local villages, environmentally friendly production and a sustainable income for the poorer countries. I’m also working on a pay-it-forward system, so a percentage of the profits go back to the community where the rugs are made.

The process of up and leaving my old life has brought about a series of amazing outcomes, but mostly the ability to rethink my design processes to consider the makers, the process and the sustainable aspects of design.

This article has been altered from its original content.
For full story please visit:
To view Linus’s rugs visit:



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