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Lores | Charlotte Swiden & Bec Smith at No Vacancy Gallery

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Delighted to announce the exhibition ‘Lores’ with Bec Smith & Charlotte Swiden
at No Vacancy Gallery in Melbourne, February 14-27, 2022

What are the stories we tell our children and ourselves, and where did they come from? There are tales we have outgrown, and there are those that tell us more about ourselves than we are fully prepared to acknowledge. During times of uncertainty which narratives can we rely upon?

Charlotte focuses on generating her own stories in her work. She does this by drawing on the respect and love for our natural world, holding nostalgia for stories that were once celebrated in ceremony and ritual.

Bec’s work focuses on the dynamics between things, and has been honing in on tales of morality and ethical conundrum often found in fairytales and mythology. She uses purely form and colour to visually describe aspects of our human psyche via myth and legend across time and culture.

Opening event
6 – 8pm, Thursday February 17 2022
No Vacancy Gallery
QV Melbourne, 34-40 Jane Bell Lane

Exhibition Dates
14 – 27 February, 2022

Exhibition Sales
Catalogue will be available Monday February 7 from No Vacancy website
Sales will open at 10am on Thursday February 10 via email


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